It goes without saying that this is nothing more than a rumor, but alleged images of the next generation iPhone casing have surfaced from China. Said to feature a slip-resistant matte black coating and be made of metal as opposed to iPhone 3G’s plastic, the case in the photo even features a new model number of A1303 and all of the appropriate FCC ID numbers that are not usually found on your typical iPhone-related fakery/Photoshop job. One thing of note is that while the rumor does state that the back casing is made of metal, as you’ll see in the last photo after the jump looks suspiciously like it was made of injection-molded plastic. Plus as anyone who had the first iPhone will remember, the reception was often extremely spotty due the metal backing interfering with RF signals. On the flip side of the coin however, the leaked iPhone 3G case that ended up being real last time around originated from the same spot as these photos – the iPodObserver blog. Granted it wasn’t quite as far before the 3G’s release but hey, you never know. Hit the jump for a couple more pics.
[Via MacRumors]