Adobe confirms Flash for iPhone, Apple says when
One of the biggest gripes about the iPhone is its lack of Flash support (and believe us, that is a huge deal). Now, after waiting …
One of the biggest gripes about the iPhone is its lack of Flash support (and believe us, that is a huge deal). Now, after waiting …
You definitely have to take this one at face value, but there’s an internal document floating around inside AT&T pitting the iPhone 3G against the …
We just got a tip from an Apple retail store employee letting us know that the rumors about in-home iPhone activation are true. The only …
Thanks to one of our readers, we’re finding out that some iPhone 3G users have somehow managed to get on data plans that aren’t intended …
Just because it’s Sunday and you’re busy lugging around cases of Natty Ice and painting your face to pay homage to your team, doesn’t mean …
Before anyone could completely list all their praises and complaints about the iPhone’s 2.1 Firmware, the iPhone Dev Team has already released the PwnageTool and …
Image courtesy of TheiPhoneBlog It looks like those with less than sparkly credit might be able to use the iPhone 3G with AT&T’s Pay-As-You-Go plans. …
Zimbra, an open source messaging and collaboration suite, announced this week the availability of Zimbra Mobile for the iPhone 3G. Zimbra users sporting the latest …
The iPhone 3G must have a lot of frequent-flyer miles, because it’s certainly getting around. Today, over 21 additional countries including: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, …
Apparently the iPhone 3G isn’t the only hot new data device that is suffering some 3G issues. The Blackberry Bold, which has not yet been …
Leave it up to our wireless carriers to use Afghan tactics to try and con convince current and potential customers to stay or sign up …
The Dev Team calls it their Little Pwnie, we just call it awesome. In the same week that QuickPwn was released to the public it …
Jessica Alena Smith, an unhappy iPhone 3G user from Alabama, is suing Apple for false advertising and for profiting from a defective product. Is she …
Rumors have been flying around for the past week with regards to a huge move over at HSBC. The global bank was supposedly toying with …
First things first, we just got word that iPhone owners can look forward to a nice little firmware update coming their way in just over …
It has been less than one month since Palringo added its IM application to the iPhone App Store and we already have the major revision …
Windows users rejoice; the iPhone Dev Team has just released a new treat for you. The appropriately-named QuickPwn in its finished state will allow users …
For some die-hards, having a glowing Apple logo on the back of your laptop is hardly enough to show the world that you’re “cool”. After …
We’ve semi-confirmed this with two people, so we’re pretty sure this is legit. We got word that beginning August 21st all AT&T corporate stores will …
Well, the Associated Press has set the internet buzzing with news that Apple has struck a deal with Best Buy to offer the iPhone 3G …
While sheer numbers don’t tell the whole story, it’s safe to say that Apple’s iPhone App store is off to a relatively impressive start. Steve …
We’re downloading it now, but woweee, it’s 250MB! Anyone care to comment? Even with all the languages included the biggest build we’ve ever seen was …
We’re pretty big fans of Colorware’s excellent customization service here at BGR, so you can imagine our delight when they gave us the heads up …
While many consumers are still trying to track down and get their hands on a new iPhone 3G, it seems that Apple is already plowing …
Apple’s second entry into the mobile space is an undeniable success; it’s selling like hotcakes. If one steps back for a moment however, what Apple …
Yes, we are almost a day late with this announcement, but cut us some slack, ok? We had to wade through practically 7,500 comments! You …
We’ll state this from the jump: the method described in this post is not for the faint of heart, and may lead to AT&T charging …
Bored at work? Counting down those hours until you’re free? Hopefully this will help take your mind off of things. The biggest request we’ve been …
Really? No, wait. Ok now? Maybe. Ok how about now? Yeah, now. In a completely unexpected turn of events, AT&T has just announced that it …
Got your hands on a shiny new iPhone 3G? If you answered yes, you’re one of the lucky ones. For those of you that didn’t …