With all the terrible, horrible stuff that’s been going on around the world — like record-breaking storms, constant political unrest, and escalating nuclear tensions between one secretive East Asian country and an orange toddler on Twitter — having a massive space rock slam into the Earth and end it all almost seems like a dream come true. But alas, for the third month in a row, doomsday theorists who have been promising the arrival of a mysterious, undetected planet have once again been proven to be frauds. Bummer.
The mythical world of Nibiru (or “Planet X” if you prefer) was supposed to appear out of nowhere and slam into our planet on Sunday, November 19th, but like a bad Tinder date, it stood us up. But why? Oh, that’s right, because it doesn’t exist and doomsday conspiracies are dumb.
This most recent round of BS end-of-the-world claims has been endlessly parroted by a con artist named David Meade. Meade, who has now incorrectly predicted the end of the world nearly half a dozen times, always has a convenient excuse for why things change. He heavily leans on obscure bible passages that have literally nothing to do with space or science in order to support his increasingly vague claims that a massive planet that astronomers can’t see is going to end life as we know it.
Curiously, Meade — who, remember, says the apocalypse is at our doorstep — is selling a book he’s written about it. He’s selling it. You’d think that someone who honestly believes doomsday is never more than a month away would have little interest in generating revenue and padding his retirement fund, but there’s very little about Meade’s history that passes the common sense test.
As for his credibility, well, he really has none. He’s never correctly predicted doomsday, and once his predicted days come and go he always twists things and insists whatever dates he’s predicted in the past were important “markers” for future events and that the actual apocalypse is actually next month.
According to his website (which I won’t link to because he’s a fraud who preys upon the anxious minds of individuals who clearly don’t know any better), you should trust him because he “has worked for fortune 1000 companies.” Sounds pretty impressive, but do you know who else has done the same? Me. As a teenager I unloaded trucks for Walmart, which is a Fortune 1000 and a Fortune 500 company. Since that apparently qualifies me to speak on the matter, I’ll tell you right now: The world isn’t about to end, even if it probably should. Enjoy the rest of your day.