You may not remember them, but Nokia’s Treasure Tags were some of the coolest smartphone accessories we saw all last year. For those of you who need a reminder, Treasure Tags are matchbox-sized tags that you can attach to your keys, wallet and other important items to make sure they never get lost. The tags’ main feature was to connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth and NFC and then issue an alarm if you try to leave your house without your tagged items.
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Windows Central brings us word that Microsoft is planning on releasing new versions of Treasure Tags soon, as a new version of the accessory code-named “Valora” has been outed by a recent FCC filing. Here’s a drawing that shows what these new accessories will look like:
These tags won’t just be compatible with Windows Phone, of course, since that’d guarantee their instant commercial death — Windows Central confirms the accessories will work with both iOS and Android as well. The new tags also feature a sleeker design compared to the old tags, which were square-shaped and came in bright colors.
At any rate, we expect Microsoft will tell us more about these accessories when it launches its first flagship phones since 2013 later this month.