In one of those timely conundrums that makes absolutely no sense on the surface, Apple’s chief wireless rival and market leader Research In Motion saw a very sharp upswing of spark lines for their stock charts yesterday, closing just shy of the $200.00 milestone. This is the largest single-day earnings in the Waterloo-based company’s history. For some reason, RIM decided to have their first quarter earnings call on the launch day of the Apple iPhone, and boy did it pay dividends (literally), especially when company Co-CEO shared some great news with investors – a 3-for-1 split for common stock, their second split in three years!
Regardless, from my point of view of being on the outside looking in at the iPhone craze (at least until Monday), I find this financial windfall about my favorite company in the entire world (aside from my own, of course) QUITE ironic in light of the iPhone being dubbed as THE BlackBerry ‘Killer’ (yes, another one). Welcome to the Big Leagues, Apple.