The company behind the original “Goophone,” a Chinese iPhone 5 knockoff powered by Android, has beaten Apple (AAPL) to the punch by launching an updated “i5S” version of its smartphone. The handset uses a design that is nearly identical to Apple’s iPhone 5 and it runs a highly customized version of Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean that has been modified to look and act like iOS. The handset features a 4-inch “oneglass” screen with 854 x 480-pixel resolution, a 1GHz dual-core MediaTek processor, 512MB of RAM and a 5-megapixel camera, and it costs just $150 in China. A hands-on video of the Goophone i5S follows below.
Who needs the iPhone 5S? $150 Chinese knockoff running Android now available [video]
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