HP unveiled its first Ultrabook on Wednesday, the Folio 13. The laptop packs a 13.3-inch display, 9 hours of battery life, a 128GB SSD, USB 3.0, an Ethernet jack, an HP TrueVision HD webcam, and Windows 7 in a small 3.3-pound unit that measures just 18mm thick. The notebook, no doubt created to compete with Apple’s MacBook Air, will be targeted at business users and can be outfitted with one of Intel’s latest Core processors, although specific chip speeds were not identified by HP. The Folio 13 will make its debut on December 7th for $899.99. HP also announced several new ENVY notebooks, including the HP ENVY 15, the ENVY 17 and the ENVY 17 3D, and two new Pavilion dm4 models, including a special Beats Edition with a black and red design and a signature Beats logo on the lid. The full press release from HP follows after the break.
HP Unveils Its First Business Ultrabook, Offering Industry’s Best Battery Life
HP Folio13 designed to bridge gap between professional and personal life
PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov. 16, 2011
HP today introduced its first business Ultrabook™, which features a thin and light design, strong security options and a responsive solid-state hard drive for the ultimate mobile experience.
The HP Folio13 also delivers up to 9 hours(1) of battery life, the highest performance available among Ultrabook devices currently on the market.
With the battery life to get them through the workday, users are no longer saddled with carrying power adapters to charge their notebook PCs. Plus, a wide array of ports, including Ethernet, eliminates the need to carry dongles. Mobile professionals can now stay productive and get through their entire business day – from home to business and back home – with only the HP Folio13.
“This category of product breaks new ground and will be a likely choice for businesses to offer to employees looking for a more consumer-centric experience,” said Crawford Del Prete, executive vice president, Worldwide Research Products, and chief research officer, IDC. “We expect Ultrabooks will re-ignite interest in the small form factor PC category, and by 2015 expect 95 million Ultrabooks will be shipping worldwide annually.”
Measuring less than 18 millimeters thin and using an ultraslim 13.3-inch diagonal high-definition (HD)(2) BrightView display, the HP Folio13 weighs just 3.3 pounds.(3) It combines the cool industrial design found on consumer products with the security and usability business users demand.
Powered by the latest Intel® Core™ processors,(4) the HP Folio13 also includes Intel Rapid Start Technology, which helps save time by getting users systems up and running fast.
The HP Folio13 includes a backlit keyboard for mobile users who work in low-light conditions. A full array of ports, including RJ-45 and USB 3.0, allows users greater flexibility to connect to the information they need. The HP Folio13 also includes a solid-state drive (SSD) with 128 gigabytes (GB)(5) of storage for fast response times and increased reliability.
One model will include a TPM Embedded Security Chip that protects data in email as well as information on the hard drive for security-conscious users.(6)
The HP Folio13 features HP CoolSense technology, which uses advanced hardware and intelligent software for a noticeably cooler notebook. The notebook also includes an HP ImagePad for highly accurate, advanced multitouch gesture support.
Additional features include an HP TrueVision HD Webcam(2) for brighter, cleaner HD images, and Dolby Advanced Audio.
The HP Folio13 also can be configured with a range of Microsoft Windows® 7 operating systems, including Windows 7 Professional. A three-year limited warranty is available through an optional HP Care Pack.
Users who need a desktop-like environment or additional audio, video, network and USB connectivity can connect the HP Folio13 to the optional HP USB 2.0 dock.
Pricing and availability
The HP Folio13 is expected to be available on Dec. 7 with a starting price of $899.99.(7)
Additional information is available at http://www.hp.com/personal and http://shopping.hp.com/go/newfromhp.
HP also introduced new HP ENVY and HP Pavilion dm4 notebook PCs. More information is available at http://www.hp.com/go/newsroom.