In case you’re constantly reading stuff online that you aren’t supposed to at work, or stuff you wouldn’t want others to know you’re actually interested in like articles on TMZ, then you have to check out a new Internet browser trick called Timesify that lets you hide what you’re actually doing in your browser.
Timesify will make you look a lot smarter, as it will turn any article you’re reading into a page that looks just like The New York Times complete with title and image, therefore lacking any of the visual elements that you wouldn’t want others to see on your screen.
“Timesify turns articles on TMZ, Buzzfeed, and other embarrassing sites into the look of The New York Times, so you don’t have to be ashamed,” the Timesify site reads. “We cloak your love of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen in the posture of a concerned citizen.”
The title of the article will sound very serious, but the text will be captured from the site you really want to read. As for those images you may want to see in the original article, they’ll be cleverly hidden on the right side of the page, under what looks like an ad — just keep clicking on it.
Even better, on top of the hidden article that you want to read, a special section titled “In case you missed it” neatly summarizes what the original Times article, whose title appears on the page, is all about. That’s in case anyone wants to know what that Times article you’re not actually reading is about.
A hilarious video explaining this browser trick follows below.