Google on Wednesday confirmed that its next-generation Android operating system will soon become available as an update for the Nexus S and other Gingerbread phones. Engadget reports that Google executives Gabe Cohen and Matias Duarte have both confirmed that an update is already in the works for Google’s previous-generation Nexus smartphone, and the same process being used to update the Nexus S from Gingerbread “theoretically should work for any 2.3 device.” Google took the wraps off Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich on Wednesday morning during an event in Hong Kong, and the new version of its popular mobile platform features a host of improvements over Gingerbread and Honeycomb. The company also unveiled the Galaxy Nexus smartphone alongside Samsung, the device’s manufacturer.
Android 4.0 coming to Nexus S, other Gingerbread phones
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