Marvel released the second Doctor Strange 2 trailer during the Super Bowl, revealing tons of new footage from the highly anticipated sequel. It also includes two big Multiverse of Madness cameos which confirm some of the leaks that we’ve seen. But, more interestingly, the new clips seem to confirm a big Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness plot leak.
We already showed you how the trailer practically confirms a Doctor Strange 2 plot leak that’s been floating around online since late summer 2021. We now have another big leak that details an essential part of the Multiverse of Madness story.
Before we begin, we’ll warn you that massive spoilers follow below.
The big Doctor Strange 2 plot leak
We won’t go over the big plot leak in great detail, but we’ll remind you of the gist of it. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) needs America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), as the youngster has an extraordinary power. She can travel the multiverse, opening portals between different universes. Moreover, Wanda needs the Darkhold, the book of dark magic she discovered in WandaVision.
The Scarlet Witch is after her children, believing they’re in some sort of danger in the multiverse. She wants to locate and save them, and she can’t do it without America or the book.
All of that turns Wanda evil again. She’ll be the big villain of Doctor Strange 2 as the Darkhold corrupts her.
Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) will protect Chavez from Wanda. And this will lead to all sorts of battles in the multiverse and in the main MCU reality.
The plot leak said that Doctor Strange and America will need a special book to counter the strength of Wanda — from that leak:
[We] have a multiverse chase [early in the film] with Chavez, Wong and a variant classic looking Strange.
They run away from an interdimensional demon and are en route to retrieve a book that will grant them a spell to defeat any evil. They get close but are impaled. Chavez takes Strange’s dead body and multiverse hops to our main universe. When she is anxious and scared she can open multiverse portals and is the only person able to.
This brings us to the brand new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness plot leak, which explains that mysterious book.

The Book of the Vishanti
The new Multiverse of Madness poster holds plenty of clues about the film, including at least one cameo confirmation. That’s Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell), who will appear in live-action format for the first time after the character’s introduction in What If…?. But The Cosmic Circus points out another big detail on the poster.
Close to Strange’s left hand, there’s a book (seen below). We might have thought it’s the Darkhold, but that’s apparently not the case. We’re looking at the Book of the Vishanti, which is the opposite of the Darkhold. The latter is on the poster, too, off to the far left side, under Defender Strange.
The Book of the Vishanti is a powerful resource for any sorcerer looking to combat the Darkhold. It’s the counterpart to the book that Wanda holds. “On the other hand, the Book of the Vishanti stands as a symbol of light and pure magic, filled with spells used to counteract the effects of dark magic, most often the Darkhold,” the blog writes.

Why they need the book
Before we move on with the Doctor Strange 2 plot details in this leak, we’ll remind you that the Vishanti appeared before in the MCU. We saw a Wong variant cast a protection spell named after the Guardian Vishanti in What If…?. The spell helped the good version of a Strange variant battle his evil self. Ultimately, Strange Supreme triumphed.
Separately, we’ll have to remind you that WandaVision told us that the Scarlet Witch’s power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. We thought at the time that Doctor Strange was Sorcerer Supreme of the main MCU timeline, but we learned in No Way Home that it’s Wong actually handling the post.
All of that is to say that Doctor Strange’s powers aren’t enough to beat Wanda now that the witch has mastered the Darkhold magic.

Where is the Book of the Vishanti?
Both Doctor Strange 2 trailers might have shown where a copy of the Book of the Vishanti can be found. The Cosmic Circus says that it’s kept in a pocket dimension from a different universe. Specifically, Defender Strange knows where it is and who wants to use it.
We see Defender Strange and America Chavez fighting a demon early in the movie. The plot leak from last summer indicates that this version of Strange dies during that battle, with America jumping to the primary MCU reality as a result. The corpse of Defender Strange will follow her.

The Cosmic Circus says that Defender Strange and America are trying to reach the Book of the Vishanti in the movie:
Unfortunately, Defender Strange notices how the danger is too great for either one of them to stop. We’ve heard that he manages to save Chavez by casting her out of the pocket dimension into another universe via her portals before this Strange variant meets his demise and falls through her still open portals as well. America can’t control where she’s going at this point and ends up with our MCU Strange. This then leads into the rest of the film’s plot.
The blog says that Defender Strange and America Chavez are likely coming from the same universe. The MCU Doctor Strange and Wong will then help Chavez chase the Book of the Vishanti to stop Wanda and her Darkhold from destroying the multiverse.

It all fits with the bigger Doctor Strange 2 plot leak
The Book of the Vishanti claim above offers us only a partial plot for Doctor Strange 2. But the detail is critical, as it fits very well with the larger Multiverse of Madness plot leak from last year. Here’s another quote from that 2021 leak that details the moment Doctor Strange, the Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) variant, and America escape the Illuminati HQ after Wanda attacks:
Palmer, Strange and Chavez go to an underground Sanctum running away from Wanda. Wanda is blowing shit up as she gets close to them.
They reach a locked door. Palmer is able to open it with help from her bracelet. This door opens to the multiverse and we see the book. They try to reach the book but Wanda grabs Chavez and throws Strange and Palmer to another timeline. It’s a decimated NYC where Defender Strange is the ruler of the Sanctum.
The trailers already show the three opening the door to what seems like the pocket dimension. That’s where Doctor Strange and Palmer will be separated from America Chavez.

Doctor Strange might use the book
The two will probably get the book and reach the desolated reality of Sinister Strange. The two sorcerers will fight, with the MCU’s Prime Strange winning that battle. The trailers also show Strange performing some sort of magic that probably happens after the fight. Strange is dealing with magic that has a red signature, like Wanda. On the ground, there’s a mysterious book.
We have no idea whether that’s the Book of the Vishanti. But the point here is that everything fits. It’s after this that Strange will astral project himself into the body of the dead Defender Strange in the MCU. That’s the zombie Strange we see in the trailer. All of that will probably lead to the final battle between the Avengers and Wanda.

We can’t confirm any of this, so a grain of salt is definitely advised. But it sure looks like the Doctor Strange 2 plot is getting clearer than ever.