In case you were unaware, Gawker and Valleywag have announced a “Scavenger Hunt” offering some serious dough for pictures, video or hands-on time with the Apple tablet. It didn’t take long for Apple’s representation to respond. In a letter to Gabriel Snyder of Valleywag, Apple says that Gawker has “crossed the line” and that Apple “insists that you immediately discontinue the Scavenger Hunt.” Perhaps the most damning evidence, if you can even call it that, is the line in the letter that says, “The information you are willing to pay for, such as photos of a yet-to-be released product, constitutes Apple trade secrets.”
Without showing a stutter-step in its hubris, Gawker’s offer still stands even after the letter was sent. Gawker has also made it abundantly clear to would-be martyrs to stay “within the bounds of the law” even though the nature of the Scavenger Hunt is entirely questionable. Do you think someone will step up with the proof? Has Apple’s legal team already outed the unannounced device? Let us know your thoughts and hit the break for a copy of the legal document.