With the release of iOS 8.1 on Monday, iPhone users for the first time got to use Apple Pay, the mobile payment platform that’s secured with the help of Apple’s Touch ID fingerprint scanner. A new video posted on YouTube now shows us just what we can expect when we use Apple Pay to buy things in retail outlets — in this case, a meal at McDonald’s.
LEARN MORE: Apple unveils Apple Pay, its bold new service to replace your wallet
After placing his order, the man in the video places his iPhone 6 up to the mobile payments sensor on top of the McDonald’s credit card machine and has the phone scan his fingerprint to authorize the payment. The entire process takes about 20 seconds, although it would have been shorter if not for a seeming technical snafu at the very beginning where the machine apparently didn’t process the payment when it was supposed to.
The key to whether Apple Pay ever takes off will be how quickly it lets you buy things and, more specifically, whether it’s faster and more convenient than pulling out your credit card to pay for something. This video makes the process seem fairly convenient although obviously it’s only one video and things might not go so smoothly in other locations.
Check out the entire video below and decide for yourself.