Samsung spends more money on marketing and advertising than any of its competitors, and that includes Apple. In fact, it’s not even close — the company’s budget is in the double-digit billions, which actually tops many of the Samsung’s rivals’ annual revenue.
The ads Samsung’s various agencies around the world come up with vary pretty dramatically in terms of theme and style. Sometimes Samsung focuses on bashing Apple, other times it touts the merits of its own products.
This time, Samsung struck gold with an ad that very well may move you to tears.
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You’ll never see Samsung’s new advertisement on TV in the United States or most other markets, but it has already gone viral on the Web. And for good reason — it’s absolutely brilliant.
Shot by Samsung’s agency in Turkey, the ad showcases Samsung’s regional video calling service in the most amazing way imaginable. Video calling is obviously a terrific tool for the hearing impaired, so Samsung found a hearing-impaired man in Istanbul named Muharrem and taught dozens of his neighbors how to sign.
For the shoot, strategically placed cameras followed Muharrem around one morning and every person he encountered was able to sign and communicate with him. Once a confused Muharrem was finally told what was going on, he was overwhelmed.
The ad is embedded below.