Motorola has pledged to begin taking advantage of renewable energy sources, and the company promised to acquire at least 25% of its energy from wind, Fox News reported recently. “It is Motorola Mobility’s intent through our participation in the WindMade initiative to encourage greater use of renewable energy sources like wind and solar around the globe,” Motorola Mobility’s director for sustainability and stewardship Bill Olson said. “Any company that uses at least 25% of wind energy can adopt the “WindMade” label, a company that recognizes companies that focus on using wind as a renewable energy source,” Bragi Fjalldal of WindMade explained. “What’s unique about WindMade is it’s the first time that you have a truly global standard that is accepted across the landscape for how corporations should procure clean energy.” Read on for more.
Motorola Mobility will have to prove that it actually procures energy from wind and will have to report the exact percentage of energy it uses from the renewable energy source. WindMade hopes its labels, which identify the exact percentage each company has acquired from wind energy, will encourage firms to compete with one another for labels.
“If you, for example, have procured fifty percent wind energy, the fifty percent would be in the label,” Fjalldal said. “We believe that creates an incentive among companies of the same industry to try to beat each and be the one that does the most. Several of the companies that are committing now are planning to do 100 percent.”
Consumers are backing the idea, too. According to a recent report from Vestas Wind Systems, 67% of consumers said they would favor product with a WindMade label. WindMade hopes that thousands of companies begin to participate in the initiative in the future.