LG last week unveiled its 2014 Android flagship phone, the G3, which is now ready to give the Galaxy S5 and the HTC One (M8) a serious run for their money. At the same time, however, LG didn’t reveal many details about the phone’s international launch schedule or pricing. The phone is already available in South Korea, and will launch in the U.S. in the coming months, according to local operators, while Europe may get it in early July.
Carphone Warehouse has told U.K. buyers that the G3 will be will be in stores on July 1, and will start taking pre-orders on Tuesday, The Verge reports. U.K. carrier O2 is apparently targeting the same launch date for the G3, while the remaining European markets are also supposed to get the handset later in July.
As for U.S. carriers, the big four have already confirmed they’re going to carry the handset, with Sprint and T-Mobile holding special G3 contests on their websites, while AT&T and Verizon having only put up simple registration pages on their sites. Sprint has further confirmed it will be the exclusive seller of the Shine Gold G3 model in the region, which will be available for sale at some point in July.
In total, over 170 carriers worldwide will sell LG’s top handset this year, the company said last week.