As we’ve mentioned many times before, we really hate having to remember countless complex passwords for all the sites we have to log into on a daily basis. Because of this, we love apps like LastPass that generate secure passwords for us and then store them in vaults that we can access on multiple devices and platforms. LastPass on Friday unleashed a mammoth new update that will optimize its Android app for 5.0 Lollipop and add several key new features to the mix as well.
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For anyone interested, here’s LastPass’s description of what it’s added with its new update:
* A beautiful redesign with a lighter look and feel* Easier navigation and improved transitions* Floating action button to add new items* Reorganized settings menu* Redesigned app fill windows* Many fixes and tweaks
Check out LastPass’s Google Play page by clicking here. A short video showing some of the user interface changes LastPass made on the app follows below.