If you noticed your BIS-enabled BlackBerry was quieter than usual late last night, here’s the reason why: RIM’s North American BIS servers were temporarily out of action as they were being upgraded from BIS 2.8 to BIS 3.0. The new features that have been brought through to BIS 3.0 are by no means earth shattering, but a full change-log is awaiting your perusal after the break.
- Coming soon: Enhancements to Google Mail integrations
- Google Mail Account to BlackBerry smartphone synchronization of read, unread and sent email message status for new Google Mail integrations
Note: this feature will be added throughout the Spring 2010 by region
- Enhancements to the Google Mail Plug-in
- Create and delete labels using the BlackBerry smartphone
Note: The Google Mail Plug-in requires BlackBerry® Device Software 4.5 or later and a Google Mail integration, using Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), within BlackBerry Internet Service.
- Additional language support for Basque, Catalan, Galician, Romanian
- Increased attachment compatibility
- OpenDocument presentations (.odp)
- OpenDocument spreadsheets (.ods)
- OpenDocument text (.odt)
- OpenDocument text templates (.ott)
- Windows Media® Audio (.wma)
- Improved email setup flow for HTML access
- Allows BlackBerry smartphone users to reclaim their email address if their BlackBerry Internet Service account is ever deleted.
- xHTML Support for non-Thick Clients
- BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 is designed to support xHTML for non Thick Client users and provide BlackBerry smartphone users with a richer user experience, allowing for the use of buttons, additional fonts and colour controls when users access and toggle their user settings.
- Device switch revalidation
- BlackBerry smartphone users are required to revalidate all email accounts upon PIN changes. This includes username/password users who log in to their account through HTML, Thick Client, or xHTML (previously WAP). It also includes PIN changes that are completed through BlackBerry Internet Service Administration.
- Hosted email address passwords
- Hosted email address passwords, secret questions, and secret answers are now extended to ‘username/password’ BlackBerry smartphone users.
Note: After BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0, only newly created hosted email “Username/Password” accounts will be prompted to create a password, secret question, and secret answer.
- Carrier Friendly Names
- BlackBerry smartphone users will be instructed to contact their specific carrier and will be provided with carrier contact information in HTML and WAP error messages.