Most April Fools Day gags are… bad, just really, really, really bad. However, popular calendar app Sunrise has come up with one that genuinely made us smile by poking fun at its new parent company.
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On its blog Wednesday, Sunrise explained that as part of its recent acquisition by Microsoft, it would be incorporating Microsoft’s anti-iconic Office Assistant Clippy into its core app offering.
“Clippy will always be here to help, at all times,” Sunrise explains. “Can’t see him anymore? Don’t worry, he’ll pop back soon. Clippy knows Sunrise inside and out. No need to email our support anymore, Clippy has all the answers you need.”
Of course, Clippy is one of Microsoft’s most universally hated creations, as the annoying little paperclip animation would never go away when you wanted it to and it would never offer any useful advice for anything. The reason this particular gag is clever is that it plays on some of its users’ fears that being bought by Microsoft would change Sunrise for the worse, and there’s no worse way to change things than by adding Clippy to them.
At any rate, we found this little gag to be funnier than what 99.99999% of the tech world came up with on Wednesday, which admittedly isn’t saying much…