We can’t remember the last time a company had to spend so much time proving that it was real. We recently posted about a telephone interview with Psystar president Rudy Pedraza, a man becoming webfamous for all the wrong reasons. In the interview, Pedraza insisted that Psystar was the real McCoy despite a flurry of internet chatter and a host of evidence to the contrary. The Psystar site stated clearly that boxes were shipping as of over a week ago so in theory, people should be coming forward with some support for the witch-hunted open computer manufacturer any day now. At this point however, we’ve yet to come across a single testimonial from any customers. In the meantime, the video above was posted by Psystar this past week and it depicts each of its three Open Computer models. They certainly look real, but we want to see them in the wild.
[Via MacRumors]