Asus CEO Jonney Shih envisions a Freejack-like future where everything is connected digitally, the walls of your home are giant displays and Anthony Hopkins tries to steal your body in an effort to live forever. Okay, maybe Shih didn’t cover that last part but his vision of a digital future isn’t far off from the predictions of many others in the tech world over the years. The difference of course, is that Shih wants Asus to be at the center of it all.
Today, the family crowds around a small PC screen when they are sharing digital media and getting on the Internet. In the living room, it should be more convenient to use the big screen… To make the whole digital home possible, in the eventual state every wall becomes a display. The mirror should become a screen.
Shih goes on to refer to a low-cost Eee Phone that Asus is currently working on. The budget smartphone will “become an interactive control” that gives the user a single interface for the entirety of the digital network. As cool as that sounds, we wouldn’t mind using the Eee Keyboard either. Shih didn’t speak to whether or not the Eee Phone will be powered by Android but it certainly is a safe bet. Beyond stating that the phone would be affordable, Shih gave no indication as to how the phone will be priced or when we might see the Eee Phone come to market. As for Shih’s future, it may come a bit late – Freejack was set in 2009 – but let’s all hope we can get there without Mick Jagger trying to hunt us down. Jagger, after all, will certainly still be alive when Shih’s vision is realized.
[Via Giz]