Apple will unveil new products for its iPad and Mac families on Thursday, with some reports only expecting a redesigned iPad Air 2 and a 27-inch Retina iMac to be unveiled on stage. However, other reports also say that a new Retina iPad mini will also be announced, with one new report from Taiwanese publication Digitimes claiming that Apple has a trick up its sleeve for the event.
FROM EARLIER: The Boy Genius Report: Predictions for Apple’s October event
The publication has learned from its sources that 12-inch Retina MacBook Air shipments have already begun in small volumes, with larger shipments set to begin in November.
Sources from within Taiwan-based supply chain companies expect Apple to introduce the new 12-inch Retina MacBook Air during the October 16th event, contrary to what other reports have said. Most recently, well-known Apple insider Ming-Chi Kuo said in a report that the Retina MacBook Air, and any other Intel Broadwell-based MacBook laptops, will not make an appearance during the show.
In its report, Digitimes says that one of the main design changes coming to the MacBook Air is a new Apple logo update, which will be seen on many other Apple products next year.
“Apple is also planning to upgrade the technologies used for printing its logo onto devices and will use laser cutting and unique embedded technologies to make the logo 3D-like and shine at the edges,” the publication wrote. “All Apple’s products will feature the new logo in 2015, starting with the next-generation iMac, the sources detailed”
Digitimes has not always been accurate with its reports detailing Apple’s plans, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see tomorrow’s press conference come and go with no MacBook Air announcement.