Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness opens in theaters worldwide on May 6th, just a couple of days after the Moon Knight finale streams on Disney Plus. The former is one of the most hyped Phase 4 projects so far. And the latter is the MCU project that’s the least connected to the rest of Marvel’s cinematic universe.
But we’ve already found a great connection that ties these two stories together. It’s an Easter egg that fans can enjoy right now without worrying about massive spoilers. However, if you haven’t seen the five Moon Knight episodes that have already aired, and you’ve avoided every single Doctor Strange 2 promo video so far, then spoilers will follow below.
Before you get too excited, Multiverse of Madness will not necessarily set up the Midnight Sons. That’s a superhero team featuring Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Moon Knight (Oscar Isaac) that we might see in the future. The Easter egg that connects the two projects is smaller than that. And we’ll have to go back in time to explore it.

The Moon Knight monsters
The last two Moon Knight episodes made us question everything we thought was real in the first half of the series. Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac) has a mental condition called dissociative identity disorder. The TV show explores his mental illness by showing the audience how Marc and his other personalities perceive the events he’s involved with.
We’ll have to wait for the finale to tell us whether what we saw in the first half of the show is real. But considering the events of episode 5, it’s likely that Marc and Steven (Oscar Isaac) really did fight monsters that were invisible to the rest of the world in the first two episodes. Layla (May Calamawy) did ultimately believe Steven and tried to fight those monsters.
The jackals that “Steven with a V” and Marc battle are invisible to everyone else but them. Layla fighting the monsters is the only reason we know that the monsters that Ethan Hawke’s Arthur Harrow conjured with the help of Egyptian goddess Ammit are real.

Also, if those demonic beings are real, we’ve yet to find out why they’re invisible to most people. But this Moon Knight detail brings us to the potential Doctor Strange 2 Easter egg.
The Doctor Strange 2–Moon Knight connection
Marvel played the first 20 minutes of Multiverse of Madness to the CinemaCon audience a few days ago. The description of the opening fight leaked online shortly afterward. It’s actually two different fights. But, for now, we’ll tackle the one against Gargantos, pieces of which Marvel has featured in the Doctor Strange 2 trailers.
After the CinemaCon preview description leaked, Marvel released a Doctor Strange 2 clip that shows how the two sorcerers fight the demon. Based on the clips we saw, Stephen and Wong (Benedict Wong) take turns duking it out with Gargantos.
The brilliant Easter egg that connects Multiverse of Madness to Moon Knight happens early in the fight. Something invisible is chasing America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) down the street, destroying everything in its path.
Doctor Strange has the proper antidote for that: A spell that reveals Gargantos. We have yet to find out where the demon came from and why it’s invisible to the human eye. And it’s not clear whether America can see it. Why would she be able to see it if other humans can’t? This is possibly a tiny plot hole to keep track of, but I digress.
It’s possible that the same type of magic brings out the jackals in Moon Knight and Gargantos in Doctor Strange 2. And sorcerers like Strange and Wong have the spells to bring these monsters to the surface. That way, other Avengers would be able to see the terrifying multi-dimensional beasts they’re fighting.
Hopefully, we’ll see Moon Knight and Doctor Strange interact in the future. And who knows, the Moon Knight finale might provide a few additional explanations about Ammit’s magic.
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