The first Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer came as the final post-credits scene for Spider-Man: No Way Home. No Way Home is a multiverse story where Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) has a prominent role, so the inclusion of a teaser trailer made sense. Marvel then waited several days to drop the first trailer on YouTube. We already told you that the clip seems to confirm some of the Multiverse of Madness spoiler leaks we saw in recent months. Or, better said, it provides details that match the various Doctor Strange 2 plot leaks we saw back in October.
But it turns out that the first Multiverse of Madness trailer might confirm a big spoiler in the best possible way. That secret is hiding in plain sight, which makes it difficult to spot. Before you read any further, we’ll warn you that plenty of Doctor Strange 2 spoilers follow below.
The problem with Doctor Strange 2 leaks
Doctor Strange 2 will be an even more ambitious multiverse movie than No Way Home, and that’s understandable. The multiverse is a major MCU Phase 4 theme. Unlike Spider-Man 3, Marvel controls Multiverse of Madness, so it’s in complete control of the story and characters.
But MCU fans who love MCU spoiler reports already have a big problem with Multiverse of Madness. Marvel reportedly needed extensive Doctor Strange 2 reshoots to fix the overall story and add plenty of cameos. All that happened toward the end of 2021, soon after the movie’s release was delayed until May 6th.
That means any Multiverse of Madness spoiler that preceded the reshoots might not match ones that hit the web in recent weeks. Even so, there are plenty of common elements in these Multiverse of Madness plot leaks. And the overall story is the same.
Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) will be either the big villain or Multiverse of Madness or one of the main antagonists. She might redeem herself by the end of the movie, but she’ll fight Strange & Co. until that point. That’s an important thing to consider when it comes to a potential spoiler in the first Multiverse of Madness trailer. Check out the following image:

What we see above is Wanda getting ready to cast some sort of spell. That’s her iconic hand gesture. She’s been wielding her red magic in all the Marvel adventures so far. And she’ll do it again in Multiverse of Madness. Therefore, it’s very easy to focus on her hand in the Doctor Strange 2 trailer and ignore the big spoiler that might be hiding in the background.
The Multiverse of Madness spoiler from the trailer
Behind Wanda’s hand, we see a “yellowy-orange glow,” as DigitalSpy describes it. And it looks like a door. But it’s not your ordinary door. This is one of those multiversal doors that we saw over and over in Loki. The TVA uses these Time Doors to travel to any point in the future or past to prune a timeline and remove Nexus threats.
Marvel uses MCU trailers to mislead fans, so we shouldn’t trust everything we see. But some of the quick scenes in those trailers might come from pivotal moments in a movie or show. If you have enough leaked information about a production, the trailers can be used to confirm the big spoilers.
It happened with Eternals and No Way Home. And the Multiverse of Madness spoiler above also seems to match existing leaks.
Rumors say that several Loki characters will cameo in Doctor Strange 2. The list includes Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), and Mobius (Owen Wilson). It makes sense that some version of the TVA shows up as Strange travels the multiverse to save America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from Wanda. And if that’s the case, then we’ll see those TVA doors pop up here and there.
Maybe the TVA is going after Wanda in the scene above. She is using her magic, which means she must be outside of the TVA. Loki taught us that magical powers are useless once inside the TVA.
That said, there’s no way to confirm this potentially big Multiverse of Madness spoiler. But we do expect the film to have some sort of direct connection to Loki.
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