If you are one of the millions of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 users still waiting around to upgrade your operating system, now is the time. On January 10, 2023, Microsoft will end support for both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Microsoft will stop providing critical updates and technical support for these versions of Windows next Tuesday, once and for all.
In addition to Microsoft, popular apps and services will end support for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Last October, Google announced that Chrome 109 would be the last version of the browser to support Windows 7 or 8.1. The browser will continue to function, but you need to be running Windows 10 or Windows 11 to download Chrome 110 or higher.
The same is true for Edge. Last month, Microsoft confirmed that “Microsoft Edge browser version 109 and WebView2 Runtime version 109 will be the last respective versions to support [Windows 7 and Windows 8.1].” These two updates are scheduled to release on January 12, 2023, but like Chrome, future versions won’t be available on Windows 7 or 8.1.
The good news is that there’s a simple solution: Upgrade to Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Providing your computer isn’t too ancient, there’s a pretty good chance that it meets the system requirements for Windows 10. Your machine will need at least 1GB of RAM, 16GB of storage, a 1GHz processor, and a graphics card that supports DirectX 9 or later.
If your computer doesn’t meet the system requirements for Windows 10 or Windows 11, it’s time to start looking into upgrading your hardware. Without regular bug fixes and security updates from Microsoft, you’re putting your private data at risk by continuing to use outdated software. However you need to make it happen, be sure that any Windows devices in your possession are running Windows 10 or Windows 11 by January 10.