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Daredevil is in No Way Home, and Charlie Cox can finally talk about it

Published Feb 9th, 2022 10:21PM EST
Image: Netflix

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He only appeared in one scene in Spider-Man: No Way Home, but that was enough for the many fans of Charlie Cox’s Daredevil. The brief cameo confirmed that Daredevil is back. Not only that, but the MCU will get a Daredevil variant similar to the Matt Murdock that we saw in the Netflix shows.

Then again, we knew that Charlie Cox would play a version of the character in the MCU. Kevin Feige confirmed this rumor a few weeks before the No Way Home premiere.

No Way Home has been playing in theaters for nearly two months. That means Charlie Cox can finally talk freely about his return to Daredevil for Marvel after having had to lie for nearly a year about appearing in last year’s most anticipated MCU movie.

Charlie Cox finally talks

If you’ve been following No Way Home rumors, then you knew that Daredevil would appear in the movie several months before its premiere. No Way Home featured many of the worst-kept secret in the history of the MCU. Everything leaked well in advance, including the Charlie Cox cameo that so many Daredevil fans wanted.

Also, if you were aware of all the rumors and the mountain of evidence that showed the surprise cameos, you’ve probably realized how unusual the entire No Way Home marketing campaign was. Marvel and Sony intentionally had everyone lie during the press tour.

It was only recently that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield finally appeared in the same interview with Tom Holland. Maguire and Garfield were not even invited to the red carpet premiere. That would have been a massive spoiler.

Charlie Cox’s No Way Home role wasn’t as big. There’s no Daredevil in the movie, as we only see Matt Murdock in a few scenes. Therefore, Cox wouldn’t have had to promote the film. Nevertheless, the actor had to deny his involvement in No Way Home throughout the better part of 2021.

Like Maguire and Garfield before him, Charlie Cox is finally free to talk about what it was like to get back to Daredevil and to keep the No Way Home cameo secret.

Spider-Man: No Way Home comes out on December 17th, 2021.
Spider-Man: No Way Home came out on December 17th, 2021. Image source: Sony Pictures

How Daredevil’s No Way Home cameo happened

Talking to YouTube channel HeyUGuys Cox explained that he got the call for returning to the Daredevil role for the MCU in summer 2020. It happened in the middle of the lockdown, with No Way Home shooting set for the following spring.

The actor also said he filmed his No Way Home scene in March 2021. That’s nearly a year before the film’s release date. As a result, he had to lie to anyone asking about Daredevil in the MCU ever since.

Cox also recalled a text conversation with Vincent D’Onofrio, the actor who played the main Daredevil on Netflix. We saw D’Onofrio’s Kingpin in Hawkeye about the same time No Way Home delivered the first sighting of Daredevil in the MCU.

“I can’t remember exactly what it was, but D’Onofrio texted me at some point, and it was like ‘I know something, do you know something?’” Cox said. “And I was like, ‘I do know something,’ but I wasn’t sure he was talking about the same thing. I was like, ‘I might know something. What do you know?’”

Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock in Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix. Image source: Netflix

Daredevil in the MCU

Charlie Cox went on to say that he expects to be involved as Daredevil in the MCU going forward in some capacity. Otherwise, the No Way Home cameo would be “a bit of a weird one-scene moment.”

As expected, he made no revelations about the character’s future. He teased that he knows “a little” of what’s about to come. “And what I do know I’m very excited about,” he continued. In other words, it’s back to lying about Daredevil for Cox.

But it’s right at the end of the interview that he might have dropped a potentially big spoiler. It happened while he was laughing about having to lie about Daredevil again. He said there’s “a chance” that Daredevil will be part of the next ten years of his life.

That’s certainly an exciting prospect. If that’s going to be the case, we’ll see a lot more Daredevil in the MCU than what we got in No Way Home.

HeyUGuys’ full interview with Charlie Cox follows below:

Chris Smith Senior Writer

Chris Smith has been covering consumer electronics ever since the iPhone revolutionized the industry in 2008. When he’s not writing about the most recent tech news for BGR, he brings his entertainment expertise to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe and other blockbuster franchises.

Outside of work, you’ll catch him streaming almost every new movie and TV show release as soon as it's available.
