Have trouble getting to sleep? A new military sleep hack has been making the rounds online. If mastered, it could give you the relief you’ve been searching for. At least, that’s what a viral TikTok claims.
Justin Agustin, a popular YouTuber and TikToker, shared the military sleep hack via a short clip. According to Agustin, the technique was designed to help soldiers fall asleep any time they needed to rest. “There’s actually a military proven technique to fall asleep in exactly two minutes after you close your eyes,” Agustin said in the video. He then broke down the details for the sleep hack, so that others could give it a try.
This military sleep hack could help you fall asleep in under two minutes
Agustin says that the hack revolves heavily around relaxing your body, from your head to your toes. The trick, though, is to do it systematically, so that you can control the various parts of your body and help them “shut down”. To get started with the military sleep hack, you’ll want to lay down on the bed. Agustin says you should lay down completely flat, with your arms at your side, and your hands flat against the bed.
Agustin walks viewers through the process entirely, though it’s pretty simple to follow along with.
“Start by relaxing the muscles in your forehead,” Agustin said in a voice-over as he showcased the technique on his own bed. Next, he says, you should relax your eyes, your cheeks, and the rest of your face. From there, it’s just a matter of systematically relaxing the rest of your body. This includes your chest, your arms, your legs, and even your feet and toes.
While relaxing, Agustin says that you should think about two scenarios. The first scenario is that you’re lying flat in a canoe on a calm lake, with a clear sky above you. Next, think about laying in a hammock in a pitch-black room. If your mind starts to wonder, Agustin recommends repeating “Don’t think” to yourself for ten seconds to refocus your mind.
Once you’ve gotten the hang of this military sleep hack, he says that you should continue doing it for six weeks to practice and possibly master it.
Other breakthroughs in fixing your sleep

This military sleep hack might be helpful for a lot of people, soldiers included. But there are also other breakthroughs being made to help find ways to get people to sleep quicker. For one, researchers recommend using a weighted blanket when you go to bed. This will help your body relax. Scientists even found that simply using a weighted blanket is 20 times more likely to help your sleepless nights than traditional sleep aids.
If you’ve tried a weighted blanket and it isn’t doing the trick, then there’s still hope. The FDA recently approved a drug that should help people get to sleep quicker. It’s similar to other sleep aids out there, in that you take it before going to sleep. However, what makes this one special is that it doesn’t make people feel groggy after using it. It’s not a military sleep hack, but it’s still pretty neat if you ask me.