Ongoing climate change issues and increases in global temperatures will lead to the emergence of an “extreme heat belt” by 2053, a study says. The study was carried out by First Street Foundation. In it, the group looked at the ongoing rise of hazardous heat and proposed that heat levels could rise significantly in the coming three decades. And that new heat belt could affect upwards of 107 million Americans.
States and counties ranging from Texas to Illinois could see a rising heat index of up to 125 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2053. First Street Foundation details how climate issues could contribute to much higher temperatures across the United States in its new study. And, if this extreme heat belt does take hold, it could make the lower 48 states much hotter places to call home.
An extreme heat belt is coming, new study warns

It’s troubling news, especially as climate change continues to cause global issues. We’ve already seen record droughts in some areas, with iconic lakes and waterways drying up more quickly than ever. Additionally, rising global temperatures have led to massive sinkholes opening in melted permafrost.
Over the years scientists have proposed multiple solutions to help with the ongoing climate issues. The United Nations has tried to warn the world about climate change. And even NASA has tried garnering attention with flashy GIFs showcasing rising global temperatures. Further, some engineers have proposed ways to protect the Earth from harmful Sun rays with space bubbles.
Despite those proposals, we have yet to come up with a way to stop the emergence of extreme heat belts like the one First Street Foundation posits will hit by 2053. And, if we continue the way we have, households in those areas will be especially vulnerable to the heat.
We’re already seeing record winter storms in many states. If the summers get hotter there, too, millions could suffer. That’s why we have to pay attention to these reports. Only 8 million people are exposed to “extreme heat,” as First Street Foundation defines it. By 2053, that number could rocket to 107 million. With most of those being exposed to temps greater than 125 Fahrenheit with this new extreme heat belt.
Further, the temperatures would not only increase during the day. We’re already seeing warmer overnight temperatures. First Street Foundation says these could pose a greater risk to public health regarding heat-related illnesses.