When you say Wolverine, you say Hugh Jackman. Period. Wolverine is the one constant in Fox’s messy X-Men stories and a beloved character who we can’t wait to see in the MCU. It’s not surprising, therefore, to see all sorts of Wolverine cameo rumors connected to the Australian actor. Most notable are the Doctor Strange 2 leaks that said Jackman’s Wolverine will make an appearance in Multiverse of Madness.
Not all rumors are on the same page, however. Some leakers say Jackman may indeed reprise his role as Wolverine, but it won’t necessarily be for Doctor Strange 2. The multiverse movie should deliver some X-Men cameos though, and it makes sense to have Wolverine in it. Now, there’s a new leak that points to a different actor for that cameo.
Before we get to it, be forewarned that big spoilers might follow below. Actually big, insane spoilers. Continue at the expense of surprise.
The Wolverine everybody wants to see in the MCU
Wolverine was among the earliest Doctor Strange 2 cameo leaks. And it’s a rumor that keeps coming back. Whether or not Jackman makes an appearance in the sequel, it certainly makes sense to see his Wolverine show up in the MCU at some point down the road. Especially considering what happened in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
The film’s multiverse angle helped Sony advance its SSU plans. No Way Home connected the three separate Spider-Man universes and linked Sony’s old movies to the incredibly popular MCU. It’s safe to say that MCU fans will pay even more attention to the SSU now that No Way Home is out.
Sony can also resurrect some other characters in the previous Spider-Man adventures. One such example is Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, who might star in another standalone Spider-Man movie. As for Marvel, the studio introduced Daredevil (Charlie Cox) with the help of No Way Home.
Doctor Strange 2 will further help Marvel cast its new heroes. The MCU will soon get X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool stories. Most of these will be reboots, but Deadpool might keep his backstory from the Fox movies. And if Marvel wants to rescue other characters from the Fox universe, the multiverse will help.
That’s not to say that Marvel will bring Jackman’s Wolverine to the MCU. But Wolverine is such a massive character that Marvel can’t ignore him. And Marvel can’t ignore Jackman either. Who else could play this role, anyway?
We’re likely going to see a big recast once Marvel is ready to announce its plans for X-Men. And we’ll probably see Jackman’s Wolverine in the MCU at least once. It’s the kind of homage the actor and character deserve. Just like Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man.

The crazy Wolverine rumor
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is precisely the kind of crossover that makes Jackman’s Wolverine cameo possible. But we’ll probably see other MCU multiverse movies down the road that could bring over characters from different realities.
What if the rumors that say that Jackman won’t play Wolverine in the sequel are true? Is it possible for Marvel to introduce a different Wolverine version in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?
There is one crazy rumor out there claiming that might be the case. As you can see below, Daniel Radcliffe might cameo as X-Force Wolverine in Doctor Strange 2. What?!
The Twitter leaker behind the claim doesn’t provide any other details, and Radcliffe obviously hasn’t appeared in other MCU Wolverine leaks so far. But anything makes sense when it comes to Multiverse of Madness rumors.
If you think about it, Radcliffe playing a Wolverine variant would be an intriguing development. We’ll always associate the actor with Harry Potter, a character who is nothing like Wolverine. You can’t help but wonder how he’d pull off Wolverine. Or whether his version of the iconic mutant would have any future in the MCU.
Radcliffe rumors aside, we will see a version of Wolverine in the MCU soon, but not in a live-action version. That’s via the X-Men 97 animated series that will hit Disney Plus at some point in the coming years.
Meanwhile, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness premieres on May 6th. That’s when we’ll know whether or not the MCU will get its first version of Wolverine.