We talked not once (Disney’s shareholders meeting), not twice (CinemaCon 2019), but three times (Avengers: Endgame press event) about this scene, and many fans probably know it by heart by now. But Marvel just made it available for everyone to see, almost in its entirety. With less than three weeks to go until the Avengers: Endgame premiere, we get to see the plan to go after Thanos in full, as it will be presented in the movie.
Before you ask, this isn’t a massive spoiler. We already know this is the crux of Endgame. They want to beat Thanos once and for all — and we know how they think they can do it. But if you don’t want to see any scenes from the movie at all before April 26th, now’s a good time to hang back and ignore this new video.
The scene aired first on Good Morning America, before finding its way online. We might know exactly what happens, and we might know what each character says, but actually seeing the scene is incredibly satisfying.
This isn’t the full scene that

But even so, this short scene is remarkable. The tension and fear in the room are palpable. So is the anger and determination, the desire to avenge the planet and undo the Snap. Bruce Banner may want to go the cautious route this time around, but Natasha, Captain Marvel, and Captain America seem determined to get Thanos as soon as possible, to get the Stones back, and use them to save everyone. You know, “just like that.”
We get some great interactions between the “new girl” and the other characters, with Rhodey being quite interested to know where she was all along. So do we, Rhodey, so do we. And then there’s the now-famous Thor scene where the mighty god raises his arm calling the new Stormbreaker axe. The weapon whizzes by Captain Marvel, but she doesn’t move or flinch. He likes this one. So do we, Thor, so do we.
By the way, Captain America is beardless in this clip. Watch the entire scene from Avengers: Endgame below: