You go, Michael Baker, you show them! This is how the Pokemon Go is played. You stop at nothing. You collect them all regardless of whatever else happens. So what if you might get stabbed and require professional medical assistance? Pokemon Go. Must. Not. Be. Stopped.
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Okay, okay, I kid of course. But the 22-year-old man who refused medical attention to keep playing the insanely addictive new mobile game must be out of his mind.
According to The Telegraph, Baker was out and about at around 1:00 AM at night looking for Pokemon – because you just have to play the game all the time. He was in Oregon’s Forest Grove where he came across someone he thought was playing the game. So he issued a challenge to battle… and then he got stabbed in the shoulder. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.
“I saw him go by and asked if he was playing Pokemon GO. He was like ‘what?’ I guess he wanted to battle because he came up at me with a knife,” the Pokemon fan told FOX 12. What Baker clearly doesn’t know about stabbings is that they can kill people. Such wounds require immediate attention so that blood loss is stopped before it kills you.
“Right after I was stabbed, I continued my mission to Plaid Pantry for my mission for chips and beer,” he said. “I basically risked my life.”
He basically was acting stupid, but that’s just a personal musing on Baker’s adventure from yours truly. Since then, he got eight stitches in his shoulder.