If you’ve never heard of the tarantula hawk before, you probably want to keep it that way. For those unfamiliar, the tarantula hawk is a wasp that – no joke – actively hunts tarantulas. Tarantula hawks can be found across most parts of the world but you thankfully don’t need to run for cover as they don’t often sting humans unless provoked.
What makes the tarantula hawk as intriguing as it is terrifying is that its sting is incredibly painful. So painful, in fact, that a sting from a tarantula hawk is largely considered to be the second most painful sting in the world. Now if you’re a human being of even moderate intelligence, you’re obviously going to do everything in your power to stay out of a tarantula hawk’s way. But if your name happens to be Coyote Peterson, well, you’ve really got no choice but go out into the desert, capture a a tarantula hawk, let it sting you on purpose, and film the entire ordeal for the collective amusement and horror of the masses.
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Earlier this week, Peterson posted an enthralling 15-minute YouTube video documenting his experience getting stung by a tarantula hawk.
Just take a look at this thing.
Boasting the world’s 2nd most painful sting, the Tarantula Hawk also happens to be the largest species of wasp in North America! These enormous spider wasps are most notorious for their macabre breeding habits but are also becoming well known for their ranking on the insect sting pain index. Only trailing in behind the bullet ant in terms of “sting pain” Coyote felt it necessary to experience this fear inducing sting before taking on the highly anticipated bullet ant challenge.
The bullet ant challenge? What happened to the good old days where challenges consisted of dumping cold buckets of ice water on your head?
Regardless, the 15-minute video is worth watching in its entirety. For starters, when else are you ever gonna hang out with someone who calls himself ‘Coyote’? Second, the video flows more like a short film, complete with an interesting backstory, intriguing build-up and harrowing climax. As far as viral videos are concerned, this is one of the best we’ve seen in a long while.