- Wondering what to watch now on TV, Netflix, or all the other streaming services that have sprouted up recently? Sometimes the best way to figure out what to watch next is to check out all the shows that other people are watching right now.
- We’ve got a list of the top 10 most popular shows that everyone is binge-watching right now, and it’s packed with intriguing new series as well as longtime favorites.
- As new coronavirus case numbers continue to skyrocket all around the country, it’s probably a good idea to find a new show, settle in, and binge in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Will things ever go back to normal? It might seem like they won’t at this point, but rest assured that we’re going to get through this. The embarrassing lack of leadership in the US has made the coronavirus outbreaks around the country several orders of magnitude worse than they should have been. That said, the post-coronavirus world will be a much different place once effective COVID-19 medicines and coronavirus vaccines become available. In the meantime, everyone needs to do his or her part and wear a damn face mask — masks like these cost as little as 50¢ each, so there’s really no excuse.
In addition to things like wearing face masks and practicing strict social distancing, it’s also a good idea to simply stay home as much as you can these days. We’re not saying you should lock yourself away 24/7 like we had to do back when lockdowns were in place, but you really shouldn’t go out unless you have to. Think about it: the more time you spend out of harm’s way, the lower your odds of getting infected. What should you do with all that time you’ll be spending indoors, you ask? Well, at least some of your time can be spent watching the hottest shows on TV, Netflix, and other streaming platforms.
TV Time is a popular app for the iPhone and Android devices that lets people track the shows they’re watching. It’s used by more than 14 million people to track shows, and the developers behind the app aggregate all that data to determine the most-watched each week. And when people record having watched four or more episodes of a show in one 24-hour period, that’s registered as a binge-watching session. Wondering which shows people are binge-watching most right now? TV Time just released this week’s list, and there are some terrific shows to check out.

ABC’s hit show Modern Family is at the top of the list this week. That’s undoubtedly thanks in part to the fact that it’s impossible to turn on on the TV these days without finding it on at least a few channels. Netflix’s new fantasy series Cursed starring Katherine Langford is #2 on this week’s list, and How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) is #3. Another Netflix show, Dark, comes in at #4, while Friends rounds out the top 5.
NBC’s all-time great The Office is $6 on the list this week, while Grey’s Anatomy and Brooklyn Nine-Nine come in at #7 and #8, respectively. The popular anime series One Piece comes in at #9 on Fuji this week, and Netflix’s Dark Desire closes out the list at #10.