Morbius is the next superhero movie in Sony’s Spider-Man Universe (SSU), and the film is finally ready to hit theaters after numerous delays. But you shouldn’t expect a Spider-Man cameo in the movie, especially considering the most recent plot leaks. However, the Morbius post-credits scenes might deliver a direct link to Spider-Man: No Way Home and the rest of the MCU.
It’s also a very strange link, if the post-credits information is accurate — one that will defy logic in multiple ways. Before explaining, you should know that big Morbius spoilers might follow below.
Is Morbius a Spider-Man spin-off?
Sony wants to replicate the MCU’s success with the SSU. It wants to make various interconnected adventures that will let it tell a larger story. If successful, the SSU could add billions to Sony’s coffers, but that means all the Spider-Man spin-offs have to be successful.
However, Sony only has access to characters that are connected to Spider-Man. It can’t use other superheroes. That’s why movies like Venom and Morbius have to do well at the box office. And for that to happen, Sony is absolutely dying to make sure that moviegoers know these movies are tied to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and the MCU.
Holland will not appear in them, and the Venom 2 post-credits scene doesn’t count. But Sony wanted that scene to leak before the Venom 2 premiere last year. And then we saw a response to that scene in the No Way Home post-credits.
Fast-forward to Morbius, and the post-credits scene leak isn’t surprising. Unlike Venom 2, Sony hasn’t held early fan screenings for the movie. Instead, it’s reportedly coming from the movie’s premiere in France.

The Morbius post-credits scenes
A leaker said earlier this week that Morbius happens in a different reality than what we saw so far. Others claimed that all the Spider-Man Easter eggs that we saw during the film’s protracted promotion might be misleading. Various scenes from the trailers might not even make it into the final cut.
More importantly, Michael Keaton’s Vulture will not appear in Morbius. But if the post-credits scenes below are accurate, Vulture will be the main star of the post-credits. Redditors translated the Morbius post-credits scene from a French YouTuber who saw the film and then detailed the scenes in a video. Here’s what they’re about:
Post-credit scene 1:
The purple rift from the end of NWH shows up indicating that the multiversal villains are being sent back to their respective universes, this somehow leads to Toomes being sent from his MCU prison cell to a prison cell in the Morbius universe. Toomes is later freed from prison because they can’t incarcerate him since there are no records of him doing any crimes in this universe.
Post-credit scene 2:
Michael Morbius [Jared Leto] is driving a car heading to a desert, he hears a noise that makes him get out of his car to investigate and he notices something far away approaching him. It’s revealed to be the Vulture (in the MCU suit somehow). Vulture then talks to Morbius and tells him he wants to get revenge on Spider-Man, asking him if he would want to join him in this endeavor. Morbius accepts.

The forced No Way Home connection
Assuming the information is legit and without having more context about the events in Morbius, I can already tell you that the post-credits scenes feel forced. They might amount to plot holes.
For starters, the premise that Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) fumbled the spell so as to transport people from the MCU to other realities is annoying. Strange isn’t perfect with his spells, but he had to have performed a clean spell to ensure he could save the MCU reality. That means no sort of exceptions. So having Vulture jump to a different reality like that would be extremely unlikely.
The Morbius universe’s Toomes not being a criminal is also too convenient. But why wouldn’t this trigger an investigation revealing to the authorities that there are two Toomes in this reality?
Moreover, the post-credits scene also tells us that Toomes would be intentionally stalking Morbius to have him join some sort of team. Why would he do that? Why doesn’t he want to go back to his reality? And where would he have gotten the resources to pull off a Vulture suit? After all, this is a different reality where he’s a stranger. Are there Avengers who fought aliens? Is there a Spider-Man that Morbius would hate?

Does Sony care about plot holes?
MCU fans will remember that Sony did fumble the storylines of the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies. Even No Way Home has plenty of plot issues, with the Strange spell being one of them. The symbiote remaining in the MCU is another.
Therefore, we can only conclude that Sony is willing to do whatever it takes to meet its production needs. And Morbius needs to be associated with Spider-Man and No Way Home right now.
The movie opens on April 1st, at which point we’ll see whether the post-credits were accurate or not. The video detailing the scenes follows below:
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