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Another beloved Avengers character survived the ‘Infinity War’ massacre

Published Jul 27th, 2018 1:09PM EDT
Avengers: Infinity War
Image: Marvel Studios

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Marvel doesn’t have any more Avengers movies left for 2018, but there’s plenty of excitement about the MCU after what just happened in Infinity War. With each day that goes by, we find out more details that support our initial theory; that most superheroes and other characters who died at the snap will be revived in Avengers 4.

So, guess what? We now know that two other characters were not killed when Thanos acquired all the Infinity Stones, including a fan-favorite. On top of that, a third character isn’t willing to say what will happen to him next.

Talking to Screen Rant about her upcoming movie, Mission: Impossible – Fallout, Angela Bassett was obviously asked about her fate after the snap. She’s not a regular (yet?) on Avengers sets because she happens to play Ramonda, the Queen Mother of Wakanda, a world that was mostly hidden from view so far.

She may not possess any superpowers, but she is vital to turning things around in Black Panther. She’s a true mother and a queen, and it’s great to hear she didn’t die. But she’s hardly a fan-favorite character. That said, Bassett let it slip that her daughter, Shuri, is also alive. Here’s what she said when asked if she was dusted in Infinity War:

No. Neither did my daughter. Shuri, she’s a bright girl there in Wakanda. So…

Shuri (Letitia Wright) is the genius of Wakanda, and a massive help to her brother, the king, and to the entire world. One theory after Infinity War suggested that, with Black Panther dead, Shuri might become the next Black Panther of Wakanda. With her alive after the snap, it’s likely that she’ll join forces with the survivors and get back in the game. For the time being, however, neither Bassett nor Wright appear in Avengers 4 credits.

You know who one other fan-favorite Marvel character that we don’t know anything about right now is? That’s Scott’s friend Luis, who’s probably the funniest character in the Ant-Man movies.

Luis might not be a hero, but he’s there when you need him. In fact, there’s a theory that says it’s Luis who might be the first to check on Ant-Man and the Wasp after the snap. As a reminder, they’re using his van for that mobile portal to the Quantum Realm, so he probably knows where they are. If he’s alive, he might come to the rescue after seeing what happened around the world.

But Michael Peña will simply not say anything about what happened to Luis. Here’s what he told Inverse, during an interview for Netflix’s Extinction, when asked whether Luis was turned to dust:

Nah dude, I can’t tell you anything man. You just don’t know.

Like Bassett and Wright, Peña isn’t listed in the credits of Avengers 4 at this time.

Chris Smith Senior Writer

Chris Smith has been covering consumer electronics ever since the iPhone revolutionized the industry in 2008. When he’s not writing about the most recent tech news for BGR, he brings his entertainment expertise to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe and other blockbuster franchises.

Outside of work, you’ll catch him streaming almost every new movie and TV show release as soon as it's available.
