There’s no doubt that Avengers: Endgame has a ton of important questions to answer when it premieres next month on April 26th. How will the remaining heroes rescue Tony Stark, who was left drifting through space with Nebula in a badly damaged Benatar at the end of Infinity War? How will Scott Lang return from the Quantum Realm since everyone waiting for him back on Earth was turned to dust by the snap in the credits scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp? And of course, the biggest question is how will the Avengers who are left ultimately defeat Thanos and bring back all of the people who were killed when he snapped his fingers? Thanks to a huge leak we covered yesterday, we know that the Avengers will somehow get their hands on an Infinity Gauntlet and it’ll play a big role in saving their fallen comrades as well as everyone else who was turned to dust. We also know that the Quantum Realm will be important since many of the remaining Avengers are headed there — why else would they be wearing the Quantum suits like Hank Pym’s that we saw confirmed in the second Avengers: Endgame trailer?
There’s one more big question we can’t wait to see answered in Avengers 4, and it pertains to one of the original Avengers. Now, thanks to a new leak, it looks like we won’t have to wait for the movie to hit theaters to at least partially answer it. Avengers: Endgame spoilers follow below, so don’t scroll any further if you’re hoping to be surprised next month when you finally see the movie.
Earlier this week, we covered what may very well end up being the biggest Avengers: Endgame leak well see ahead of the movie’s release in April. Someone who claims to have inside information basically spoiled the entire movie by detailing the main plot points of each of Avengers 4’s three acts. There’s some evidence that the leak might be legitimate, but we already covered that. One thing we didn’t cover, however, is that Hulk was mentioned in that leak.
Avengers: Infinity War was a tough movie for Hulk fans. After the green beast was pummeled by Thanos when they faced off, Hulk disappeared and Bruce Banner was unable to bring him back despite how hard he tried. There’s no question that Hulk could have helped tip the scales in the Avengers’ favor at several later points in the movie, since Banner in the Hulkbuster armor wasn’t anywhere near as potent. We were left wondering when or even if Hulk would resurface in Endgame, and the presence of the Hulkbuster suit in early marketing cast further doubt on Hulk’s role in the final Avengers film of this phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Of course, then we have leaks to consider. We’ve seen Hulk pop up several times in various leaks over the past few months, but the most recent one is by far the most important. Check out the following image of packaging from a leaked Avengers: Endgame toy, which was recently posted on Reddit:

That’s right, Hulk is back in action in Avengers: Endgame. What’s more, he’s got a Quantum suit which means he’ll be travelling to the Quantum Realm with several other heroes including Captain America, Nebula, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Tony Stark, Rhodes, and Black Widow, all of whom were pictured in Quantum suits in the second trailer for Avengers 4.
But wait! There’s one more thing this toy leak suggests, and it’s huge: the MCU embodiment of Professor Hulk may finally be coming in Avengers: Endgame. “Bruce Banner masters his temper to become the giant, super-strong hero, Hulk,” the packaging reads. The notion that Banner might “master his temper” suggests an amalgam of Banner and Hulk, with the strength of the latter and the intelligence of the former. Needless to say, it would be a huge development in the MCU, and it’s one that Marvel fans have been eagerly anticipating since the first Avengers movie came out in 2012.