Watching Avengers: Endgame in theaters has a significant drawback: no matter how many times you see it, you still can’t capture all the information it delivers, and you might miss out on various Easter eggs as a result. Like the fact that Howard the Duck comes through a portal at the end to fight Thanos. You need to watch the movie at home, now that the digital release is available, so you can stop playback whenever you need to inspect a frame in greater detail. That’s what a Redditor just did, uncovering what’s easily the most puzzling Easter egg we’ve seen so far.
We’ve often discussed one of the weak plot elements of Endgame, and that’s the existence and management of Pym Particles. The Avengers could have easily crafted a different plan that would have ensured a decent supply of particles for their journey. After all, if every action in the past creates a new timeline, so why not intercept a young Hank Pym, tell him what’s going on, and have him contribute as many particles as needed?
The Pym Particles are also crucial for the arrival of 2014 Thanos. He must have reversed engineered the particles before Nebula brought the ship over to this timeline. That’s what we thought when Endgame was launched in late April and something that Marvel has already confirmed.
We needed to revisit these Pym Particle controversies before checking out the following screenshot:

Posted on Reddit, the image shows a time travel log that’s on screen when evil Nebula summons her father’s army to our Earth. Pay attention to those years and you’ll notice something extraordinary. Someone used the machine to go back to 2,988 BC, or at least they wanted to, and that’s why it’s in the log.
Why would anyone attempt this voyage? Why would they want to go that far back given that the primary resource they need for time travel isn’t readily available? A different Redditor explains that the First Battle of Svartalfheim took place that year. That’s the battle where Asgard defeated the Dark Elves and Malekith, and the Aether was there.
That’s one way to get yourself the Reality Stone, but it’s not necessarily the best. Eventually, Rocket and Thor went back to 2013 Asgard to extract the Aether from Jane Foster.
Still, why is that log in there? Who’s responsible for operating the machine to go back that far? Did Thor take a swing by 2988 BC to see Bor, his grandfather? That seems unlikely considering how drunk Thor must have been while they planned the Time Heist. So why is that year in the log? Marvel might explain it all in MCU Phase 5 but in the meantime, you can check out the full Reddit thread below.
just Noticed when nebula was bringing 2014 Thanos to the present there’s what seems to be a history section at the top right part of the screen with dates, 2012, 2988 & 2009. WHO WENT TO 2988?!?! from marvelstudios