Disney’s streaming subscription won’t be available for another two months, with November 12th marking the official launch of the Disney+ platform. However, if you happen to be in the Netherlands right now, you’ll be able to test it free of charge until it launches, as
Reports from The Verge and Droid-Life confirm the service is already available in the country, which happens to be one of the launch markets for Disney+.

You can experience the service across platforms in the Netherlands, including iPhone, Android, and the web. An account supports up to seven profiles, one more than expected, and can be assigned Kids status to censor some content. The Verge was able to run five simultaneous streams, two of which were in a browser, and everything ran smoothly. Each account will support four concurrent streams of up to 4K video quality.
Speaking of video quality, some shows are available in 4K Ultra HD and HDR, and you can find them in a dedicated section. However, you can’t search for 4K content as it is right now.

As you probably expected, the library is somewhat limited, this being a test and everything. Disney+ original shows won’t be included in the early release, but there’s plenty of Marvel and Star Wars content to test out. A Price and Fairy Tales section is also available and will include all of Disney’s princess movies.
AirPlay and Chromecast support is already built into the service, and it works, as is download support for offline playback. Disney+ will remember your progress and remove video playback from where you stopped watching, but the feature doesn’t work on the browser version of the app.

Overall, the experience appears to be bug-free and flawless, but then we’re looking at a limited test here. Hopefully, the quality of the service won’t be affected once the hordes of subscribers come in in November. There’s no reason to worry about that for the time being. Reports in previous weeks revealed