The Bermuda Triangle has long been at the center of superstitions and supernatural circles, with many claiming that this large stretch of ocean provides undeniable evidence of supernatural forces at work. One scientist isn’t buying it, though, and says the Bermuda Triangle’s mystery isn’t that spectacular.
A scientist at Sydney University in Australia may have a logical explanation for the Bermuda Triangle. Despite being a hotbed for disappearances over the years, Karl Kruszelnicki says the triangle has a similar percentage of missing planes and boats compared to other places in the world, especially when looking at how much traffic passes through the area.
Based on that finding, Kruszelnicki says the Bermuda Triangle isn’t really that mysterious. Instead, he seems to believe that many of the disappearances are based on bad weather or even poor decisions made by the people involved in the voyages that went missing, and not massive sea creatures, supernatural forces, or aliens.
The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has been at a fever pitch for the past 70 years or so, with many believing it could be tied to supernatural forces. This stretch of ocean, which is located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, has been a net for the human imagination. Some even believe it could be aliens stealing away ships and planes.
But, Kruszelnicki says it was most likely just human error and bad weather. According to a post shared by Mirror in 2022, Kruszelnicki cited a well-known disappearance from the Bermuda Triangle as evidence of those human errors. In 1945, Flight 19 — a group of five US Navy bombers — went missing in the Triangle.
Despite searching for the missing planes, no evidence of wreckage was ever found, lending even more to the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. However, Kruszelnicki says that out of the 14 crew members, only one was really an experienced pilot. Further, he claims that the pilot was known to make poor decisions, and he showed up the day of the flight hungover.
But the evidence doesn’t stop there. Kruszelnicki also claims that the weather on the day that Flight 19 went missing is believed to have been stormy, with waves up to 15 feet high. Radio transcripts from the flight show that the lead pilot and the other disagreed on which direction to travel.

Further, Lt. Charles Taylor (the lead pilot on the voyage) believed he was over the Florida Keys and that his compass was malfunctioning. He disagreed with the junior pilot on the flight and turned the flight east instead of west, possibly taking it further into the Atlantic. Could this human error account for Flight 19’s disappearance? Or is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle’s supernatural ties to blame?
With bad weather at play and a limited amount of fuel, it’s possible that Flight 19 ran into trouble and crashed into the sea. And, because the ocean is deep in that region, it would be difficult to see any wreckage that made it to the bottom of the ocean, if you were even looking in the right place.
With so many disappearances and so much stigma around it, it’s possible this explanation could provide some answers for people trying to understand the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. And because that region of the ocean is so big, it is unlikely we’ll ever properly dredge the bottom of the entire thing, which means we may never have a definitive answer.