For realz, y’all. October 2nd was about as concrete as we were going to get, but the powers that be (RIM’s lack of focus on the OS) have interjected. We’ve been working on this story over the past couple days, and here is a quick rundown on what we’ve heard… The Bold, while originally set for a launch on October 2nd is still having OS issues and it’s been up to RIM to fix them. Normally BlackBerrys can glide through AT&T’s testing labs in a pretty short time frame. Something like 2-3 weeks. As you are all aware, not this time. Regardless of what the problem is, there’s no excuse for having probably the most botched launch in device history. Device training was supposed to start October 7th, but that has been pushed back now, and then there’s the launch parties coming up starting mid-month. We’re not going to give another predicted launch date until we can fully confirm it, so we’ll get back to you on that. Any RIM PR reps want to give us a ring and still tell us the device was never delayed? Suckaz. Hit the jump for an email explaining the delay and the postponed device training sessions!
Thanks, CrunkBerry!
As you are aware, with the anticipated launch of the 3G AT&T BlackBerry Bold, RIM has committed to hold training sessions in over 40 cities. A large number of these sessions were to take place this and next week. Due to the continued uncertainty of the device launch date, we will work with RIM to reschedule these sessions to a later date.
Any representatives that have registered will be informed by email of the schedule change. No action is required from your part.
Rescheduling the training to align with a final technical acceptance for BlackBerry Bold launch will ensure that:
a) the training material can cover all the feature functionality that will be on this device at launch (at this time we don’t have clarity on the status of all features).
b) handouts can be given to Dealers to reinforce the material covered
c) we will be able to provide attendees with a general availability date
c) the delivery of the material will be within one – two weeks of launch to ensure content retention and ability to practice what they learn in the field
d) the desired 30 person per session registration/attendance is achieved (training in the last week of a sales month at the end of a sales quarter should be avoided if possible)
Please let me know if any questions.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Email edited to protect our ninja.